Landlords’ Questions Answered!

Landlords’ Questions Answered!

Answers to Common Questions Regarding Landlords and Tenants   Question: When do I have to make repairs to the house?  What type of repairs do I have to make? Answer: The landlord (that’s you!), has a duty to make repairs that affect the tenant’s physical...
Landlords’ Questions Answered!

Federal Tax Liens Against Real Estate

Generally: Federal Tax Liens A federal tax lien is a legal claim against all current and future property, including but not limited to real estate, automobiles, wages, and bank accounts. 26 U.S.C. § 6321,...
Landlords’ Questions Answered!

I’m buying property, do I need a survey?

According to the Texas Property Code, there is only a certain amount of information the seller must give the buyer when selling a piece of real estate. Depending on your contract, the seller may only have to give a list of items, which can be found in the Texas...
Landlords’ Questions Answered!

Buying on the Courthouse Steps: How a Prior Owner Can Redeem

Buying real property – land or house – at a Sheriff’s sale or a tax sale typically means standing on the courthouse steps on the first Tuesday of the month. Sales typically take place between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and are posted in the location for...
Landlords’ Questions Answered!

Why is staging a home so important?

Why is home staging so important, you ask? Think about the last major event you attended. Possibly a wedding, an award ceremony, job interview or maybe just a hot date? I bet you remember what you wore,…

Landlords’ Questions Answered!

Insurance Tips : First Time Homeowners

Purchasing your first home can be both exciting and a bit stressful. Lenders, taxes, closing costs, inspections, and appraisals are all things buyers are considering when taking this step into, what may be, their biggest investment. Homeowners insurance is often...