This is a question we receive all the time: What happens if I die without a Will?
Here is the Texas money/asset plan for those who have no Will:
- Married Person with No Children:
- Community Property – all to surviving spouse
- Separate Real Estate –
- ½ to surviving spouse;
- ½ to deceased’s parents/siblings
- Separate Personal Property – all to surviving spouse
- Married with Children
- Community Property –
- all to surviving spouse if none of children are stepchildren. If there are any stepchildren, then all kids will receive ½ of community property.
- Separate Personal Property –
- 1/3rd of personal property to surviving spouse;
- 2/3rds to children.
- Separate Real Estate –
- 1/3rd life interest to surviving spouse;
- 2/3rds to children with remaining 1/3rd to children upon surviving spouse death.
- Unmarried with Children
- All to children
- Unmarried with No Children:
- All to deceased’s parents.
- If only one parent is alive then ½ to the surviving parent and ½ to brothers/sisters of deceased.
Call us today to get a good Will in place and be at peace.